Utsi Electronics Ltd is the one stop centre of excellance for all our innovative GPR/multi-sensor research & development and home to both Groundvue and PipeHawk brand GPR products & services.

Groundvue GPRs are robust.  Most of our systems use twin arrayed antennas to reduce noise. They use very broad band frequency spectrum to produce a high signal to noise ratio, resulting in better depth penetration for the same frequency of antenna & good signal clarity.  Due to our extensive research collaborations, we can supply the widest range of antenna frequencies – anything from 6GHz down to 15MHz.  

Our multi-channel Groundvue 3 is the fastest available, having simultaneously triggered antennas without cross channel interference.  Data collection speeds in multi-channel mode or when using GPS/Total station are equivalent to 1600scans/sec with all channels operational.  Simultaneous triggering also allows automatic depth calibration during survey. Groundvue GPRs comply fully with current European legislation.

PipeHawk GPR's are known the world over for making the benefits of GPR available to non specialist applications with their innovative yet simple user interface approach.

Groundvue & PipeHawk Brand GPRs are available for purchase or hire.

The company provides training in GPR techniques, both for beginners and for more experienced users.

Specialist design and research work is carried out in collaboration with a number of Universities and other Research Organisation partners.

Technical enquiries for new GPR designs and developments are welcome. 

For more information go to www.utsielectronics.co.uk